Sign Information
There are countless risks associated with driving on roads and on worksites. Safety signs are a necessity to ensure all drivers and pedestrians are well informed of potential hazards on the road. It's important drivers and pedestrians understand the meaning of each of the signs and follow the rules. If they don't adhere to the rules the consequences won't always result in a fine, sometimes they'll result in an accident and possibly even death.
Mandatory Signs
Mandatory Signs AS 1319 specifies these signs will be a blue disc with the symbol in white. The word 'must' is usually contained in the message.
Danger Signs
AS 1319 specifies that these signs are to be used where conditions are likely to be life-threatening. The sign is to incorporate the word Danger in white letters on a red oval shape inside a black rectangle.
Prohibition Signs
AS 1319 specifies these signs are to have a red annulus and slash symbol on a white background. They indicate actions or activities that are not permitted.
Notice Signs
These signs do not comply with Australian Standards but are produced due to popular demand. They convey information of a general nature.
Warning/Caution Signs
AS 1319 specifies these signs warn of conditions that are 'not' likely to be life-threatening if the message is ignored. The symbol used is a yellow equilateral triangle with a black enclosure.
Emergency Signs
AS 1319 specifies these signs consist of a white symbol or text on a green rectangle with white enclosure. They indicate the location or direction of emergency-related facilities and first aid or safety equipment.
Fire Signs
AS 1319 – 1994 refers to fire signs which are covered in AS 2444 – 1995. Fire signs show the location of fire alarms and firefighting equipment. Signs will include a red rectangle sign with a white legend and enclosure.
Hazchem Signs
AS 1216 – 1995 specifies the relevant “designs, layout and size”. These signs are prescribed in the “Australian Dangerous Goods Code” and various State Government “Dangerous Goods, Storage and Handling Regulations”.
Not sure what signs you need for your business? Check out our safety sign checklist and ensure your business is covered.